Is It Okay If I Go To Tuscany???

A freind of mine, Lyndy, told me about a recent career coaching conversation she was having with a former corporate attorney. The attorney has been ambivalent about returning to corporate America (gee, I wonder why) and has been debating other options. After asking Lyndy for her ‘permission to go’, she decided that a few months in Tuscany might just be the antecdote she needs to clear her head and get herself future focused. BRAVO!  Too often, people get paralyzed by not knowing what to do but they plow ahead anyway and often times find themselves in another unhappy situation.  Of course, all of us don’t have the financial wherewithal to to fly off to Tuscany for a few months but the lesson nonetheless is the same. Get your head clear so you can focus on your direction.  And if you can’t go to Tuscany, just open a nice bottle of fine Tuscan wine!

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