One Person Doing The Work Of Three

I read an interesting article a couple of weeks ago in the Chicago Tribune ( entitled: “Rough Economy Means No Vacation”.  It cited a recent survey by Kelton Research that said 32% of us didn’t take time off because of workload. Another 15% were fearful that taking time off would make them vulnerable in an unstable job market.  This is more evidence of an ever-growing disconnected workforce in America. When people feel so threatened or overworked, can they really do their best? And, as the article infers, once the economy rebounds people will be looking for a company with leadership that understands the need for more balance.  Do you agree?

Here are some of my favorite quotes from the article:

“One person is now doing the work of three, so they can’t even think about taking time off.”

“There’s such an emphasis on productivity perhaps my employer will discover that they don’t need me.”

“Corporations have taken so much in the last few years that I think you should take every last day.”

“You’re on call 24/7 and these days, you’d better step up or step out.”

“They’ve held on the last couple years and they’ve worked and worked and worked. But they just can’t do it anymore.”


2 thoughts on “One Person Doing The Work Of Three

  1. I read the same article and had many reactions that I’ve debated vigorously over the years as an HR professional setting/managing policy and as an employee who embraces his time away. Over my 20+ year career, I have observed that the employee who is unable to use vacation in one company has the same problem at the next company. Generally, it’s the person not the company. If you wouldn’t give back a paycheck, why would you give back paid time off?

  2. Interesting point, Kent, and I agree that some people use the company as an excuse. I do think that leaders need to set the example and take their vacation. Several years ago I worked for a company that adopted a 9/80 work schedule, which gave us every other Friday off. The business unit president made everyone on our leadership team made us commit to not come into the office on our off Fridays. Because, if we came in, then everyone esle would as well.

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