Stand By Your Brand

Here is a great column from the January 22 Chicago Tribune about the importance of building and maintaining your online personal brand.

Favorite quote from the article :“You have to live the brand promise every day,” Gershbein said. “A brand promise is something that evolves through the writing of a profile (on a social media site) but also through your actions. People see your LinkedIn profile, they see that posting articles, not just shamelessly self-promoting, giving other people kudos and credit. Nothing builds brands better and quicker than respect — giving it, knowing how to receive it and being in conversations that mean something.”

You Always Need To Be In “Job Search Mode”

A couple of years ago I was at a company during the day of downsizing announcements to employees.  I was struck by a conversation with a woman who had been told, after 20 years with the company, that her job was being eliminated.  She was totally caught off guard by the news and an emotional wreck. But, she shouldn’t have been so surprised. The company had been changing for the past few years – there was a new strategy, new CEO, issues in the marketplace and two recent downsizing’s.

This recent article from USA reminds all of us to not be blindsided by change and to make sure your offer to your company and marketplace is of value. As a friend recently told me, “even those who are employed should always be in job search mode”.




Do You Differentiatate Yourself in LinkedIn?

Are you a dynamic, motivated, creative and innovative professional with extensive experience and an organizational track record of problem solving who gets results through effective communication skills?  If so, you have just used the 10 most overused buzzwords in Linked In profiles. Remember, friends, you need to differentiate yourself in the marketplace or else you will sound like everybody else!

For more on this topic, check out this Linked In blog post

“Help Me Help You” … Maximizing LinkedIn For Your Job Search and Virtual Branding

LinkedIn has become a mandatory tool for both career management and job search. Unfortrunately many people don’t understand how to use it effectively.  One of my colleagues, Matt Kerr, was recently interviewed by and gave some great insights and ideas about how to maximize LinkedIn.  You can check it out at